Benefits of Sauerkraut

As any other fermented food, sauerkraut has surprisingly strong health benefits and can remain fresh for longer period of time.

Health Benefits of Sauerkraut:

  • Improves digestion: Sauerkraut is good source of fibers, which is very important for the health of our digestive system. It prevents constipation, improves the bowels’ function and prevents cramps and bloating. Regular consummation of sauerkraut disables development of severe diseases such as colon and stomach cancers.

  • Increases energy levels: Thanks to the high content of iron, this food increases energy, boosts circulation and metabolism. It prevents anemia and fights against headaches and fatigue.

  • Strengthens the immune system: Sauerkraut is rich in vitamin C, which is one of the greatest boosters of our immune system. The high levels of vitamin C help in the regeneration of cells, production of white blood cells and collagen (crucial component for every vital organ).

  • Strengthens the bones: This food is rich in vitamin K, which strengthens the bones by helping in the production of protein which regulates bones’ mineralization. Vitamin K is helpful in preventing of osteoporosis.

  • Reduces inflammation: Sauerkraut contains antioxidants, which are known as anti-inflammatory agents. Regular consummation of sauerkraut relieves pain in the inflamed parts of our body.

  • Prevents cancer: According to some studies, the powerful antioxidants contained in sauerkraut are capable of destroying the free radicals, which are crucial factor for the development of cancer cells.

  • Improves the heart health: Due to the high concentration of fiber, sauerkraut is extremely beneficial for our heart’s health. Fibers prevent the negative effect of cholesterol in our arteries, which is very important in the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

  • Improves vision and skin health: Vitamin A is very beneficial for our vision and skin. Sauerkraut is rich source of vitamin A. This vitamin reduces macular degeneration and development of cataracts. Vitamin A reduces redness and wrinkles.


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