12 Winter Foods That Will Warm You Up and Help You Lose Weight

 Foods That Will Warm You

The weather outside is frightful – so, you need a food that will make your life more delightful!

As temperatures fall, our winter appetites could easily spin out of control. Studies point out that people do tend to eat more during the winter time, with the average person gaining at least two pounds – and individuals who are already overweight likely to gain a lot more. Therefore, we need to be careful during the winter months and eat good food in order stay healthy and warmed, but we also need to watch our weight!

In the article, I offer you the best foods to eat in winter that will boost your health and body heat and will help you shed pounds. These tasty foods not just help curb cravings and burn calories, they are also ideal for winter weight loss.

1) Rabbit Meat:

For most Americans, the domesticated rabbit is a quite rare food option. The rabbit meat is usually comparable to poultry and offers an economical alternative to many larger animals. The domesticated rabbits commonly distributed in the U.S. are imported Chinese rabbits or Belgian and New Zealand hybrids. Rabbit meat is generally available fresh or frozen.
Rabbit meat is popular for its high protein content. This meat contains more proteins than chicken and beef. It is also a concentrated source of iron. One serving has more than 4 mg. In addition, the meat provides many minerals. The highest levels include 292 mg of potassium and 204 mg of phosphorous. Rabbit meat is very low in calories, which can truly benefit your weight loss process. One serving of rabbit meat contains only 147 calories.

2) Pomelo:

Pomelo is a citrus fruit that looks like a big grapefruit with thick bark and sweeter taste. Its yellow flesh is rich in antioxidants, which help prevent the spread of cancer cells. It is also rich in potassium and folic acid.

3) Sunflower Seeds:

Sunflower seeds are an exceptional source of folate, protein, and Vitamin B. They can help protect the immune system. These seeds are loaded with vitamin E, a potent antioxidant that supports healthy hair and skin, prevents cell damage, and could even prevent cancer.

4) Shiitake mushrooms:

Nutritious and appetizing mushrooms are low in calories (only 10 in 1/2 a cup), almost devoid of fat and a great source of zinc, Vitamin B6, folic acid, thiamine, riboflavin, selenium, potassium, and dietary fiber. According to many laboratory studies, shiitake mushrooms also help immune cells to kill viruses.

5) Honey:

Honey is the best natural sweeter that you can use! It can help boost the immune system and will warm up your soul in winter months. However, make sure not to overdo it – at the same volume, it has more calories than sugar. Honey is a great source of antioxidants and its powerful antimicrobial properties make it an ally during the cold days.

6) Liver:

It is a relatively inexpensive source of protein. The liver is an amazing source of vitamin A, B12, niacin, folic acid, and minerals, principally iron.
With just 200 calories, it supersedes most cuts of meat, however, the problem is its high cholesterol: around 400 mg per 115 grams’ liver braised. Therefore, if you lead a diet that is low in cholesterol and fat, eating liver from time to time cannot hurt if you are healthy.

7) Macadamia nuts:

Macadamias are a melt-in-your mouth treat! They are rich in monounsaturated fatty acids, which are good fats that can help reduce cholesterol. Macadamia nuts are also rich in antioxidants and Vitamin E and contain omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids in a ratio 1:1, which is great! Macadamias will warm you up and benefit the weight loss process.

8) Oatmeal:

There is nothing like a hot bowl of oatmeal on a cold winter day! Not just is oatmeal delicious and convenient, it is also full of phytochemicals and nutrients. It also provides great energy and keeps you full. In accordance to a research, individuals who consume oats for breakfast eat 1/3 fewer calories at lunchtime.

8) Guava:

Guava is a popular tropical fruit, which tastes similar to strawberries and pears. This fruit contains 5 times more Vitamin C than oranges. It is also rich in fiber – particularly if you consume the seeds. Moreover, guava contains iron, calcium, soluble dietary fiber, potassium, and lutein. The best part? This fruit has sixty calories in just one serving, making it the ideal slimming snack.

9) Ginger tea:

If you are thinking of reaching for a cup of tea, choose a brew with ginger. It has thermogenic properties that will keep you warm. Due to its healing powers, ginger can also promote blood flow and boost metabolism.

10) Coconut milk:

Scientists’ suggest that the fatty acids present in coconut milk could help speed up the metabolism and promote weight loss. Make sure to read labels – certain brands are high in calories. Additionally, its dietary fiber will keep you feeling full.

11) Chia Seeds:

This seed packs a huge nutritional punch. It contains great amounts of omega-3, calcium, magnesium, folate, and iron. Its soluble fiber upsurges the duration of satiety. Our energy falls easily in winter due to the cold weather. Therefore, you can add 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds to your smoothie to boost your energy and improve the immune system.

12) Watercress:

Peppery watercress and dark green leaves are some of the most nutritious greens. Watercress is a cruciferous vegetable abundant in antioxidants, which can help prevent cancer and many other diseases. It is a great source of Vitamin C and beta-carotene, as well as potassium and calcium. One cup contains 5 calories.
Victoria VITO, - nutritionist, Certificate in Human Nutrition

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