If You Eat A Handful Of These Every Day, You Can Lower Your Risk Of Chronic Disease And Even Death

risk of dying
source: Pinterest
It's hard to know just what will keep us healthy these days.

With all the different advice on carbs, sugar, and protein out there, knowing what to eat can be so confusing. Multiple studies, however, are now showing that people who eat nuts experience a surprising number of health benefits. Here's what you need to know.

If you eat 20 grams of nuts high in antioxidants per day, your risk of dying can drop by up to 20%.

The nuts with the highest amount of antioxidants are walnuts and pecans.

Eating an ounce of nuts each day can reduce your risk of heart disease by 33% and cut your cancer risk by 15%.
heart disease
source: Pinterest

There is some evidence that eating them can lower your chances of developing respiratory disease and diabetes.
Dr. Dagfinn Aune of the School of Public Health at Imperial said: "We found a consistent reduction in risk across many different diseases, which is a strong indication that there is a real underlying relationship between nut consumption and different health outcomes."

"It’s quite a substantial effect for such a small amount of food," the doctor continued.


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